Allright… i can tell everyone that WAITING is seriously boring.
The Car is still not delivered. Iam still waiting today, 6 days after i reviewed and purchased it at home to get a final info that the car will be picked up and transported to me. I purchased in the meanwhile a 2 component alloy particle body filler. That is so heavily damaged that i decided to return it. the box can only be used once and afterwards i would need to throw everything away.
Outer Sills does not specificly exist for the Alfa GT Type 937_ . It might be an searchengine issue as the Alfa GT 147 937 can be found a lot. i do guess the Underscore is causing some problems and thats why nothing can be found… However i also found in the net and within a facebook group that the Outer Sills are compatible with an Alfa 147. At least from the downside…
Woho! the damage, the Sill damage is the most common damage on this car… Main reason is that the outer Sill is quite deep and companies who want to lift the car are normally lifting it on the sill and the gravity and weight is doing the best and deform the sill… the coat is scratched and you do not see it if you are not aware.
Seriously, who looks beyond the car to see if everything is done correct???
2020-March-09 morning
I was yesterday in contact with a re-seller on Ebay. I still need Sills. A contact on Facebook told me that Ebay might be a good source. A company in Poland knows which Sills are matching.
I indeed found someone in Poland dealing with Alfa Spareparts. On request i got the feedback that they have no matching parts… finally i purchased a set for 147 5 door version and hope it is matching. Delivery should be on Wednesday.. lets hope it is matching…
2020-March-09 evening
It is Monday! today I was in touch with the company who want to transport my car. It is a guy from Poland and i have ordered him via Shipply.com. He has some negative ratings but all of them are in regards to the language. for me it does not matter, as long as you have hands and foots and you try, you will find a way to communicate. The Alfa will be picked up tomorrow between 18 to 20: 00. and delivery next morning…
2020-March 10 arround 4:30 pm
The driver contacted me – he will be late. Estimated arrival is 10:00pm. i informed the previous owner and the young guy told me that he left the work earlier just to be available in time. :-/ for sure for purchasing a car you can expect some special service from the original owner but not for 500 bucks. but ok.
2020-March 10 10:09 pm
“iam on the place”. thats the words iam seeing via Whatsapp now. I just wrote the young guy that he is there and 10:15 pm i received the message “the Alfa is on the trailer”. Wow – that was pretty fast. i was not aware that it just take 6 min.
I also received the following Picture
2020-March 11 – 12:23 am
Car is delivered… 🙂
the first time i really drove it by myself… 100 meter forward… and my next thoughts “Oh no!! Damn! to drive backward the gear has a different Position to my Alfa 156 and my Alfa Spider. Three drivable cars and all have the backward gear in a different position.” That is grumping on a high Niveau. Isnt’t it?
2h later i started with a full checkup – at least with the visible components.
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